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Should you ever have trouble pronouncing our name or have taxi drivers give you a funny look when you drop our name, here’s what to do:

1. We are located opposite the Labuk Road Forest Reserve. Our entrance is about 1.5km from the main road/Sepilok roundabout. Follow the road in (at the T-junction do a left), keep going till you see forest reserve trees on your left, and our signage will be on the right. A taxi ride from the airport will cost you around RM40. A GRAB ride will cost less.


2. If you are coming by coach from Kota Kinabalu (KK), ask the conductor/driver to drop you off at the Sepilok/Mile 14 roundabout. At the roadside look for our signboard. Either call us for a ride in or you can catch a Sepilok ‘pirate’ taxi for just a few ringgit. Or you can pop into the small roadside shop with blue grills to call us from. Please pay for the call.